As we currently finish the last of the assembly and testing on the T-Bird we are gearing up to celebrate! It is always a celebration when rubber meets the road and one of our clients gets to enjoy their classic car. Whether it be the first time in a long time; making memories flood back, or perhaps its the very first time behind the wheel. It is always a special experience for both the owner and the build team that had a hand in making that special moment happen!
So, in addition to the vehicle owner & their friends and family, we invite our staff & current, past & potential clients to our shop to revel in the glory that is getting Gary back in his Thunderbird! Refreshments and light bites will be served. Please note this is a private event and RSVP is required.
When: Saturday, December 14th from 2-5PM
Where: Anaheim Rod & Custom
539 S. Central Park Ave. E
Anaheim, CA 92802
Please kindly RSVP by Saturday, December 7th by emailing admin@anaheimrodandcustom or calling 714-203-6589
Thank you- Becky Sue Means & The Anaheim Rod and Custom Team